About Us

Our unique blend of experience over more than 30 years enables us to provide data and analysis that is relevant, independent, and accessible to both newcomers and industry veterans. Whether you are  interested in production, processing, sourcing, investment, finance, or sector development, The Cashew Club can help you to make informed decisions with pertinent market information, accurate analysis, and our renowned ability to forecast upcoming trends in this rapidly evolving yet unpredictable sector.

Jim Fitzpatrick

Jim is an award-winning consultant and advisor with 30 years’ experience in the industry. Formerly  in senior positions with multi-nationals and later establishing his own successful trading business., Natural Protocol. Before that he was manager of the Edible Nuts, Seeds and Dried Fruit division of Andre & Cie S.A., Switzerland. He has managed sourcing operations for food ingredients, edible nuts, edible seeds, dried fruits, and grains having trained with Continental Grain, Unigrain, and worked at soft commodity houses in the UK and Netherlands. He pioneered direct origin sourcing in cashew nuts by establishing supply chains in India, Vietnam and Africa in the 1990s.